Here's the latest stuff from the sketchbook. :)
During the week while doing my usual exploring around the internet I came across an artist by the name of Cindy Ann whose blog is titled
Blu Penny. After noticing that she was an emerging artist on the licensing scene I took some time to backtrack through her blog archives to read about the ups and downs of her journey. I noticed that she mentioned a process of creating a Strategic Planner that helped her set a creative course. Cindy Ann included a few photos of what her personal strategic planner looked like, and I was immediately intrigued. She mentioned the Strategic Planner was part of an e-course offered by Lisa Sonora Beam, so immediately I googled Lisa Sonora Beam and discovered that she had a book entitled "The Creative Entrepreneur", a digital guidebook for making business ideas real. Guess what? I own the book. It was sitting on my bookshelf, not 3 feet away.
I like to pretend that I'm resistant to "methods" because on the surface they feel too restrictive and stifling. But without some structure I'll continue to flutter aimlessly, with no measurable gain towards my creative goals, whatever they may be. So, I cracked the book, working my way thru the 1st 2 sections. There a several visual journal prompts, questions to copy into my journal and tangibly write down my immediate uncensored response, picking my brain for clues as to what I really truly want to be and where I want my creativity to lead (from an entrepreneurial standpoint). Some of the prompts were meant to explore our gifts, the "what do you do best, get absorbed in the most, find effortless" etc kind of questions. That simple question helped me start thinking about what I really like to be doing, which will help me determine what I DON'T want to be doing (Do I REALLY want to be a graphic designer? making logos and creating brochures?). Of course there are certain practical considerations (such as earning a living!), but in the ideal situation can I find a way to do my creative thing in a way that I actually ENJOY?!!
The critical voices, both real and imagined will chime: "Get your head out of the clouds... in the Real World people don't usually earn a living by doing things they love... they go out and work their butts off 40+ hours a week in order to put food on the table. That's reality."
I want to tell those stupid voices to shut up. I want to live a life I love. I want to do something that makes me happy, that makes use of my talent and creativity. And I want to make a living doing it.
Anyhoo, I'm hoping this book will be helpful in at least keeping my focus on track. I'm trying to take things in baby-steps, rather than throw myself into things and then blowing them off after the honeymoon phase fades off. I guess this is where the sketchbook-journal comes in: a semi-private safe place to work out my thoughts visually.
Thanks for reading my ramblings. I appreciate your visit and encouragement!